2021 CMC Online Training

The final Report of the PMN training programme of CMC

1418点击 发布自:2022-04-29 17:31

Next month is the last month of the PMN training program of CMC. However, the courses on the website will remain open until August, during which trainees can still watch videos.

So far, the website has opened 50 courses. We have added all the courses for you.

Now you can log in and watch the video directly.

According to the training plan, trainees should complete and submit the training report next month. The requirements of the reports are as follows:


Two reports are required from trainees:

1. Academic Report

Trainees should select 1 or 2 topics from the course to prepare a research report of no less than 8,000 words.

The report will be assessed by lecturers and graded by “Excellent, Passed or Failed”.

2. Final Report

Trainees will be required to submit a report on the overall outcome and experience of the training programme, especially about your gains that will be beneficial to your own, your organization and your country.

The submission deadline of the two reports is 30 May.

Please complete the reports and send them to this email(cmc_contacting@163.com).

After the training, CMC will work with the ISA to issue training completion certificates to qualified trainees.

Changsha Research Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Co., Ltd.

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